About Us:

We are a group of University students, each with different cultural backgrounds. This blog is a space where our unique food traditions and recipes can be shared.

Sunday 23 September 2012


Welcome newcomers!

How would we start you ask? With Starters of course!!

The Greek Dolmades are fantastic bites of mince with rice cooked in stock, wrapped in vine leaves. This entree is so traditional that any little woglet will tell you that if their grandma's dolma wrapping skills were anything to go by, she would out roll Snoop Dogg(now lion) any day of the week.


50 vine leaves
100-150 grams minced pork
3 quarters cup olive oil
1 small onion minced
Parsley minced
1 quarter tea spoon pepper
Mint (optional)
1 cup rice
1 tsp1 tomato sauce or 2 cups tomato
1 - 2 tblsp lemon juice
1 cup warm water
1 tsp salt


Wash the vine leaves and put them in warm water to get soft. The color will change and will go darker than they are.
Put the olive oil in a pan to warm and lightly cook the minced onion.
Add the minced ground pork and leave it to lightly cook.
Add the rice, pepper, parsley, mint, tomato sauce mixed in wate. Leave them to cook for 3-5 minutes and mix occasionally.
When the mixture cools, put one teaspoon of filling on each vine leave and wrap them up. Be careful as some leaves might be bigger or smaller than others so sometimes you might need to fill them with less or more than one teaspoon.
Put all the Dolmades in a pot. Place a small plate on top of them to keep them in place and add the water and lemon juice, or chicken stock if preferred.
Let them cook on low heat for about half an hour.

You should have a batch to serve 6

From the Greek guy, Kali Orexi!

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